No Destination Branding



I developed a sub brand and marketing campaign for REI that allowed them to connect with local communities through their artists and makers. The target audience was fashion-forward, environmentally conscious urbanites. Through researching early American explorers, immigrant cultures and vintage roadside attractions, I arrived at the name, No Destination. Posters and murals encourage customers to download the REI No Destination app which guides them on a journey to an REI No Destination pop-up shop. They are first directed to pick up a custom journal from a branded VW Bus parked outside the store, which serves as a guide and a record of their trip. The app then leads them on a journey to an REI pop-up shop built in an old gas station. The shop features No Destination products as well as collaborative products designed by local artists.


Process + Research


My process begins by researching and writing to develop an overall brand tone. I then shifts to create mood boards to capture all of the visual research I have done. Using the elements from the mood boards and all of my writing, I begin creating stylescapes by collaging various elements and words together to build the concept. I further refine my concepts by rebuilding the stylescapes with original elements and phrases I created. Once those are created I use those pieces as my north star, defining the creative direction for the brand and the art direction for the collateral.

Mood boards

Mood boards



Brand elements

Brand elements


AIGA Creative Space